How to Choose the Right Type of Garage Door Springs for Your Home

The garage door springs are a vital part of any garage door. Their job is to counterbalance the weight of the door and allow it to open at a smooth, safe speed. Without these springs, the garage door would fall off its tracks and damage your property.

However, it’s important to know how to choose the right type of garage door spring for your home. This will help ensure that your new garage door springs don’t cause any accidents or malfunctions in the future, as well as saving you money on the long run.

How to Choose the Right Type of Garage Door Springs for Your Home

There are two different types of springs used in most garage doors: extension springs and torsion springs. Each has its own set of characteristics and requires different replacements.

1. Torsion Springs: Measurements

When replacing a broken torsion spring, it’s necessary to take the following measurements: wire diameter, inside diameter, and length. These measurements will help you to find the right size for your spring and will ensure that you are installing the correct spring.

2. Extension Springs: Length

One of the most common mistakes do-it-yourselfers make is installing the wrong size of garage door springs. This can be a dangerous and expensive mistake.

The proper length of a spring is crucial because it determines the amount of strength. For instance, a shorter extension spring will be able to handle more weight than a longer one. If you install a spring that is too short, it will not be able to support the door’s weight and can easily snap under its own weight.

3. Torsion Springs: Color Codes

Most garage door springs have a color-coding system to help you identify which type of spring you need to replace. These colors tell you which wind direction the spring is rated to work in as well as what wire gauge it has.

4. Extension Springs: Wire Diameter

Almost all garage door springs have a wire diameter printed on them. If you do not see this number, it is important to take the spring off and use a measuring tape or ruler to make an accurate measurement of its diameter.

5. Torsion Springs: Wire Size

If you don’t have a measuring tape to take this measurement, you can still take an educated guess by looking at the wire size on the spring components. You may also be able to find this information on the winding or stationary cone of the spring.

6. Extension Springs: Wire Size and Weight

In most cases, the springs that come with your garage door are sized for a standard-height door. If your door is too tall, you will need to replace the springs with a longer version.

The key is to take a close look at your existing springs and understand how they work. This will make the selection process easier when it comes time to purchase a new set.

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